
About Us


Trust Mission, Vision and Values

Passionate about potential, our aim is to realise the unique talents and abilities of children and young people in all our schools. 

Ambitious for every child, we promise to work tirelessly to support them throughout their educational journey. We will equip them with the confidence and skills they need to progress and succeed at every level. 

We recognise and respect the rich diversity, individuality and strengths that our different schools bring to our wider community. Our ambition is to continue strengthening our network of schools by: 

  • Celebrating our diversity
  • Promoting excellence 
  • Enabling personal development, achievement and progression
  • Safeguarding the well-being of all children, young people and staff.


Our vision is to create a future where: Every child, in every school, can flourish every day.


  • Success: Success is for all: we create a culture of continuous improvement, encouraging all learners and staff to strive to be better, and succeed. 
  • Teamwork: We work together to maximise the talent and abilities of all, with our learners’ central to every choice we make.
  • Achievement: We have ambition for our learners and staff so that they can achieve and exceed with courage, resilience and determination, realising their own unique potential. 
  • Respect: We empower our learners and our staff to be respectful, to value diversity and to maximise this as a talent and strength.
  • Service: Our purpose is to serve our learners and our communities. Leaders at every level serve with integrity, ensuring our learners achieve and progress in society.


At Endeavour Academy we use a holistic approach to meet the individual learner’s needs, enabling them to access academic success and personal growth.


English Language
English Literature


Religious Studies
Daily reading
Literacy & Numeracy intervention


Business Studies
Resistant Materials
Animal Care and Handling
Media Studies
Physical Education
Food and Nutrition


Residential trips
Breakfast Club
Lunchtime socialisation
Friday reward options
Off-site activities
After school clubs
Sporting opportunities
Curriculum visits
Theatre visits
Work experience
School Council



Read, Write, Inc Phonics Programme
Reading Eggs / Reading Eggspress
Word Blending
Teach a Friend to Read
Stairway to Spelling
Daily Reading Time
Higher Learning TAs


Social Stories
Lego Therapy
Zones of Regulation
Vocabulary Enrichment
Self Advocacy Strategies
Targeted Language Support
Targeted Speech Sounds Support
Social Communication Support


Restorative Justice Facilitators
Critical Thinking Skills
Peer Mentors
The Dog Mentor
Team Teach
Wellbeing and Mental
School Counsellor
Behaviour Learning Mentors
Zones of Regulation
Communication and Language through Art


Family Wellbeing
Schools Police Officer
School Nurse
Children Social Care
LA SEN team
Speech & Language Therapist
Occupational Therapist
Education Psychologist


Tutor time
Assigned Teaching Assistant
Reward activities
Personalised interventions
Personal Development
Termly community events



Academic Data across full curriculum
Progress against FFT Aspire pupil tracking

GCSE results
Functional Skills results
Reading & Spelling ages
Parents Days
Transition Data to KS5

Intervention Data

Behaviour Data
CTS: Strengths & Difficulties Questionnaire
School Council
Parent Surveys
EHCP Outcome Tracker
Personal development case studies




  • Curriculum Breakdown Endeavour Academy

    An inclusive, holistic curriculum for learning that provides opportunities for success.
    As a school community that has wellbeing and achievement at its core, the intent of the curriculum at Endeavour Academy reflects this, being aspirational and inclusive. Pupils at Endeavour Academy have access to a broad and balanced curriculum including English, Maths and Science. Our aim is to offer pupils the same opportunities as their mainstream counterparts, enabling a productive and successful transition, post 16, into the world of further study and employment.
    The implementation of our curriculum includes a comprehensive and holistic Intervention offer. This is implicit in the structure of all lessons. There are also opportunities to access further interventions, supporting pupils to overcome barriers to learning and to develop social and emotional resilience. Every pupil at Endeavour Academy is seen as an individual and their journey to success necessitates an individualised approach to meet their needs, while enabling them to access core and foundation subjects.

    The curriculum is regularly reviewed and optional subjects have been included to reflect the interests of pupils and expertise of staff.
    The impact of our curriculum offer can be seen in our GCSE, BTEC and Functional Skills results. Our pupils are supported to successfully access post-16 opportunities, having become active participants in their own learning journey. The curriculum at Endeavour Academy encourages pupils to manage challenges, to build positive relationships, to achieve academically and equips them with the knowledge and skills for future learning and employment.

    Key Stage 3

    Subject/activity Lessons (45mins) per week Compulsory/ voluntary Comments
    English 5 C Pupils are working in a rolling cycle in preparation for their GCSE studies covering the elements of Literacy (gothic, modern text and Shakespeare), Language (pupils study the use of purpose, audience and language techniques and devices) and preparation for Functional Skills with a chance to sit Level 1 by the end of y9
    Maths 5 C Preparing for GCSE by assessing foundation Maths and preparation for Functional Skills exams in Numeracy.
    Science 3 C Practical and real-life focus to engage learners. Embedding skills for KS4
    Computing/ICT 2 C Use of Entry Level Functional Skills ICT; emphasis on E-safety to keep pupils who are vulnerable safe from exploitation.
    Geography/History 1 C Introduction to key skills and knowledge based on physical and human geography with application of skills to case studies
    Topic based themes introducing concepts, skills and subject matter that will be required for use in GCSE History programmes
    RE 1   Topic based themes introducing concepts, skills and subject matter that will be required for use in GCSE Religious Studies programmes
    RSHE 2 C Personal Growth & Wellbeing at Entry Level 3 (BTEC)
    Improving physical health and wellbeing, Physical health and Fitness, Healthy Eating, Improving physical health and wellbeing, Drugs, alcohol and tobacco, Health and Prevention, Improving physical health and wellbeing, Changing adolescent body, Basic First Aid, Understanding Emotional Wellbeing, Internet Safety and Harms, Understanding the role of relationships in social health and wellbeing, Understanding Sexual Health and Wellbeing
    The aims of relationships and sex education (RSE) are to:
    Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place, Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene, Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy, Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships, Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies.
    Art and Design 2 C Introduction to the basic formal elements which includes colour theory, tone, line and texture whilst exploring different art movements and genres of Art and artists which include realism, surrealism, cubism abstract and pop art to name a few.
    Physical Education 3 C Team sports to be introduced and dialogue related to how pupils relate to each other and support each other.
    Food and Nutrition 2 C Promoting healthy lifestyles and positive participation. Encouraging good patterns of engagement and sensible food choices. Linked to independence and managing self in interface with peers. Enabling pupils to develop practical hygiene skills. Alongside learning practical skills and equipment safety.
    DT 1 C Enabling all pupils to realise their design thinking by utilising and developing confidence in: designing skills, workshop processes, tools & equipment in order to facilitate a practical outcome.
    Personal Development 1 C Enabling pupils to develop as individuals within a group setting, using strategies including iHeart; Critical Thinking Skills; Team Building; Zones of Regulation
    Total - 28 Lessons

    Key Stage 4

    English Language / Literature 5 C GCSE English Language and Literature. Pupils are working in a rolling cycle to cover four GCSE Literature texts - Macbeth (Shakespeare), Frankenstein (19th century novel), Lord of the Flies (modern text) and Poetry (Power and Conflict cluster and Unseen Poetry). All pupils to also be offered Functional Skills Literacy Levels 1 and 2.
    Maths 5 C Edexcel 9-1 GCSE Maths, Foundation and Higher Tier. All pupils are offered Functional Skills Numeracy Levels 1 and 2.
    Science 3 C GCSE Single or Double Award Science.
    ICT 2 C Functional Skills ICT Levels 1 and 2.
    RE 2 C GCSE RE. All pupils study four themes (Relationships, Life and Death, Good and Evil, Human Rights) and two religions (Christianity and Judaism).
    Careers and Personal Development 1 C

    Personal Growth & Wellbeing at Level 1/2 (BTEC)
    Improving physical health and wellbeing, Physical health and Fitness, Healthy Eating, Improving physical health and wellbeing, Drugs, alcohol and tobacco, Health and Prevention, Improving physical health and wellbeing, Changing adolescent body, Basic First Aid, Understanding Emotional Wellbeing, Internet Safety and Harms, Understanding the role of relationships in social health and wellbeing, Understanding Sexual Health and Wellbeing
    The aims of relationships and sex education (RSE) are to:
    Provide a framework in which sensitive discussions can take place, Prepare pupils for puberty, and give them an understanding of sexual development and the importance of health and hygiene, Help pupils develop feelings of self-respect, confidence and empathy, Create a positive culture around issues of sexuality and relationships, Teach pupils the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies.There is also a focus on transition and exploring choices while developing skills to enable pupils to access future education/employment.

    Physical Education 3 C Promoting healthy lifestyles and positive participation. Encouraging good patterns of engagement in leisure. Linked to independence with greater emphasis than KS3 on choices and working together which will support improved communication skills.
    GCSE Options 6 V Pupils select two options in Year 9 to study until Year 11
    Resistant Materials     Pupils develop RMT theory knowledge & practical outcomes in year 10, which forms the basis of their learning and underpins subject based areas covered within the WJEC GCSE specification and exam criteria. In year 11 they develop a 35 hr NEA which is marked by myself and moderated by an external moderator to ensure consistency and best practice.
    Geography     GCSE Geography: Pupils extend their knowledge and skills from key stage 3 to include field work
    History     GCSE History, all pupils study two modern periods (USA 1919-74 and WW1) and two British themes (Migration and the Empire & Restoration England 1660-85)
    Art     GCSE Art and Design includes 2 units-
    Unit 1 is Portfolio work and Unit 2 is Externally Set Assignment.
    Both explore and generate work covering the 4 Assessment objectives, which much include both drawing and writing. For unit 2 (the Externally Set Assignment), pupils prepare a body of work based on the theme they have chosen and a 10 hour exam at the end is used to create their final design. The work is then marked internally and a moderator visits to standardise the work to ensure consistency and best practice.
    Food and Nutrition     Learners develop more skilful knowledge, practical and theoretical. They produce 2 assessments one being investigational work and also relating to practical work. It is a WJEC Eduqas Food Preparation and Nutrition course. Learners can progress on to a diploma in further education.
    Sociology     GCSE Sociology helps pupils to gain knowledge and understanding of key social structures, processes and issues through the study of families, education, crime and deviance and social stratification.
    BTEC Options      
    Construction     Within the BTEC Level 1/2 Construction course learners are given a wide range of skills based scenarios which enable them to explore the skills base within a given trade. Learners also cover many areas of H&S within the Construction Industry which provides them a sound building block when the leave for post 16 or an apprenticeship.
    PE     Through a combination of practical experience and written assignments, a BTEC First in Sports provide level 1/2 learners with the knowledge, skills and understanding needed for a career in the sector.
    Sports Leaders     The Sports Leader qualification is designed to use sport and physical activity to help young people develop and hone their leadership skills whilst helping themselves and others stay physically active.
    Animal Care and Handling     BTEC Level 1/Level 2 First Award
    Unit 1: Animal Health
    Unit 2: Animal Handling
    Unit 3: Animal Welfare
    Unit 4: Animal Housing and Accommodation
    Unit 5: Principles of Animal Behaviour.
    Total - 28 Lessons