When a pupil joins Endeavour, their needs are reviewed according to their EHCP. Where speech and language therapy is indicated, they are automatically referred on to the speech and language caseload and will receive an assessment of their needs. From here they may be seen for direct therapy by the SaLT or direct therapy by the SaLSA, based on their needs. These pupils also receive a full annual review of their communication, with a subsequent report detailing the findings and targets for the upcoming year (and where necessary, key stage). Any pupilt at Endeavour can be referred for a speech and language evaluation at any point, by a staff member or parent. These pupils will be assessed as soon as possible and either placed onto the caseload or discharged to school with advice, based on their communication needs.
- Lego - based Therapy - Lego based therapy is an intervention which supports pupils to develop their skills in collaborative working, problem solving, conflict resolution and language development
- Social communication support - where appropriate, pupils are supported to develop their understanding of how to navigate the social world, how to treat others and how you should be treated by others. This is tailored to each pupils' individual needs. Examples of programmes used include: SocialThinking!, the Zones of Regulation, Autism LevelUP
- Targeted language support - Where a pupil needs support with their language, an individualised programme is devised by the speech and language therapist, and delivered by the therapist or the speech and language support assistant under the guidance of the therapist
- Vocabulary Enrichment - pupils are supported to develop their vocabulary through a mixture of 1:1 or small group interventions, and class-based support
- Targeted speech sound support - Where a pupil needs support with their speech sounds, an individualised programme is devised by the speech and language therapist based on their needs. This may be delivered by the therapist, or by the speech and language support assistant under the guidance of the therapist
- The Zones of Regulation - The zones of regulation is a system designed to support pupils to understand their emotions and be able to better regulate how they are feeling throughout the day. Aspire offers 1:1, 1:2, and small group interventions to support pupils to use the Zones
- Self-advocacy strategies - Some pupils have specific strategies and requirements they need to help them succeed emotionally and academically. These pupils can work with the therapy team to role play ways in which they can advocate for themselves, and ensure their needs are met in the classroom
- Training - Staff receive regular training from the Speech and Language Therapy team on topics pertinent to pupils in the school. Recent trainings include; the zones of regulation & an introduction to communication and behaviour