girl and boy shorter

School Information

Moral Purpose

Endeavour Academy provides an inclusive, holistic curriculum for learning that provides opportunities for success. Every pupil at Endeavour Academy is seen as an individual and their journey to success necessitates an individualised approach to meet their needs, while enabling them to access core and foundation subjects.

As a school community that has wellbeing and achievement at its core, the intent of the curriculum at Endeavour Academy reflects this, being aspirational and inclusive. Our aim is to offer pupils the same opportunities as their mainstream counterparts, enabling a productive and successful transition, post 16, into the world of further study and employment.

The implementation of our curriculum includes a comprehensive and holistic Intervention offer. This is implicit in the structure of all lessons and interactions within the school day. There are also opportunities to access further interventions, supporting pupils to overcome barriers to learning and to develop social and emotional resilience.

Mental health is at the core of all our practice and involves pupils, staff, parents and other stakeholders. Feeling included and having a sense of belonging to a community is vital if we are all to connect with each other and build positive mental health.

Endeavour Academy aims to enable individual pupils through developing their:

  • Capacity to manage challenges.
  • Ability to manage their own emotions.
  • Skills to build positive relationships within our community.
  • Academic achievement.
  • Knowledge and skills for future learning and employment.

Our moral purpose can therefore be summarised below -

  •  Inclusion
  • Seeing and meeting individual need


Mental Health Definition

“Mental health is a state of well-being in which an individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with the normal stresses of life, can work productively and is able to make a contribution to his or her community.”

World Health Organisation, 2018

Mental health is defined as a state of well-being in which an individual is able to cope with the normal stresses of life, work productively, and contribute to their community.

Mental health problems, also known as mental disorders or mental illness, refer to a wide range of conditions that can affect an individual's mood, thinking, and behaviour.

At Endeavour Academy, some common types of mental health challenges that pupils may experience include:

  • Anxiety disorders: including generalised anxiety disorder, phobias, and panic disorder.
  • Depressive disorders: including major depression and persistent depressive disorder
  • Bipolar disorder: characterised by swings between episodes of mania and depression.
  • Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): characterised by difficulty paying attention, impulsivity, and hyperactivity, eating disorders: including anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa, and binge eating disorder, Substance abuse and addiction such as vaping.
  • Trauma and stress-related disorders: including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Attachment issues and separation anxiety.

We recognise that mental health challenges can occur in our staff team and can have a wide range of causes and we offer a wide range of support. This support is also offered to parents and carers of our pupils and we are supported by our Trustees. We are committed to non-discrimination and the promotion of equality and diversity and to protecting the rights and confidentiality of individuals with mental health challenges.


What supporting Positive Mental Health means to us:

  • Every pupil is seen as an individual.
  • Behaviour is seen as a form of communication.
  • We embed social, emotional and mental health awareness across the curriculum.
  • Children and young people are taught skills to build resilience and manage everyday stressors.
  • Staff wellbeing, resilience and mental health is a key focus.
  • We have a highly trained Pastoral Team who lead on evidence-based practice for all our interventions.
  • Stakeholders are listened to, responded to and are involved in promoting good mental health for the whole community.


How we ensure best practice:

  • Staff read and understand section one of Keeping Young people Safe in Education.
  • Staff know our behaviour, attendance and safeguarding policies and protocols.
  • The wider school community has an active voice about SEMH.
  • All staff have training and the option of supervision to effectively support pupil SEMH.
  • Parent support groups.
  • Evidence based approach to internal interventions.
  • Robust referral system, both internal and external.
  • Daily briefings and debriefs for all staff.
  • Pupil, Parent and Staff surveys


Endeavour Academy Mental Health and Wellbeing Offer


Tier 1 Universal

Endeavour Academy aims to enable individual pupils through developing their:

●       Academic achievement

●       Capacity to manage challenges

●       Ability to manage their own emotions

●       Skills to build positive relationships within our community

●       Knowledge and skills for future learning and employment

We foster a positive school culture, creating a welcoming and inclusive school environment, a sense of belonging that promotes our Four Pillars

Respect; Kindness; Trust; Achievement

We recognise the importance of relationships in promoting positive mental health and wellbeing and actively promote social connections, encouraging pupils to form strong social connections with their peers, teachers, and other supportive adults.

●       Pastoral Provision

●       Tutor time 3 times per day

●       Assigned Teaching Assistant

●       Reward activities

●       Personalised interventions

●       Assembly

●       Breakfast club

●       RSE

●       Peer Support

●       Personal Development

●       Regular community events

●       Girls Club

●       LAC group

●       Residentials

●       Trips

●       Guest speakers

●       Careers

●       Residential

●       School Nurse

●       Restorative Justice

●       Behaviour and Inclusion Team

●       Well-being check-ins

●       Zones of Regulation

The implementation of our curriculum includes a comprehensive and holistic Intervention offer, with personal development at its core. This is implicit in the structure of all lessons, as well as through Theme of the Week and PSHE lessons. There are also opportunities to access further interventions, supporting pupils to overcome barriers to learning and to develop social and emotional resilience. Every pupil at Endeavour Academy is seen as an individual and their journey to success necessitates an individualised approach to meet their needs, while enabling them to access core and foundation subjects.

We have a whole school approach using the Emotional Literacy Programme Zones of Regulation. Through this programme, pupils develop a better understanding of self-regulation by identifying their emotions and applying strategies to enable them to self- regulate. Resource posters to support are clearly displayed throughout the school, and all staff have received training to support pupils.

We have a peer support programs in place, where pupil mentors provide support and guidance to their peers who may be experiencing mental health or emotional regulation challenges.

The school has a vibrant and active pupil council that represents the voice of the pupil body and actively contributes to decision making processes within the school.

The school has a PSHE style assembly, where pupils can reflect on the theme of the week, school values and celebrate their personal achievements. Both pupils and staff are recognised and celebrated through a pupil/staff appreciation segment in assembly.

The school has implemented a comprehensive reward programme that allows every pupil to earn credits for positive behaviour, academic achievements, and contributions to the school community.

Our curriculum is centred on meeting the SEN needs of our learners and addresses the concerns that pupils experience. Positive role models and learning opportunities are key and there is a constant process of review e.g. PSHE has introduced a Level 2 BTEC to reflect Personal Growth and Wellbeing; KS4 options that reflect learner interest e.g. re-introduction of Animal Care and Handling BTEC.     

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion are key to our practice. POLICY LINK

We address bullying and other forms of Child on Child abuse: POLICY LINK. Our behaviour policy includes on-line discriminatory and bullying behaviour and any incidents are followed up on daily and immediately in line with that policy.

We speak about and encourage a healthy lifestyle, promoting healthy habits such as regular physical activity, a balanced diet, and enough sleep, which can all contribute to good mental health. Pupils have access to outdoor facilities and green spaces, including a garden.

Breakfast and After-School Chess Club.

Fresh food is available at breakfast, break time and lunch providing pupils with a nutritious start to the day. Staff share this social time with pupils to help foster a sense of community and belonging.

The chess club is open to pupils of all skill levels, and we encourage pupils to participate and benefit from extracurricular activities.

Teach coping skills: Help pupils through the curriculum and interventions to develop the skills they need to manage stress and emotions effectively, such as relaxation techniques, problem-solving skills, and social skills.

We aim to educate the school community and raise awareness about mental health and mental health problems among pupils, teachers, and parents and provide information on how to get help if needed.

Culture within any organisation will occur and at Endeavour Academy, we actively promote a culture that supports inclusion and meets individual need, of pupils, staff, parents and stakeholders.

The school organises regular residential trips for pupils in Key Stage 3 and 4, providing them with valuable learning experiences outside the classroom and fostering personal, emotional and social development.

The residential activities are carefully designed to align with the curriculum and offer opportunities for pupils to engage in outdoor activities, team-building exercises, and cultural experiences.


Tier 2 Interventions

Positive Mental Health is an important focus for our pupils at Endeavour Academy. Through a fully trained and experienced Intervention Team, we provide opportunities for our pupils to communicate their feelings and work through any barriers to learning through a range of targeted and embedded interventions. These sessions can be delivered 1:1, pairs, small groups or as a whole class.

Intervention is allocated based on the provision outlined in each pupil’s EHCP, as well as by a referral system to the SENCO and School Counsellor. Class based intervention is also available within our curriculum offering opportunities with communication, movement breaks and sensory strategies and support.

Therapeutic interventions to support pupil well-being include

●       Art therapy (ARTiculate)

●       Critical Thinking Skills

●       Dog Mentoring

●       Draw & Talk

●       iHeart programme

●       Lego therapy

●       OT and sensory support

●       School Counsellor

●       Social Skills Groups

●       Speech & Language

●       Strengthening Minds

●       Virtual Reality Experiences

●       We have an ELKAN L3 trained SALSA

●       Zones of Regulation

Endeavour Academy also has Speech and Language Support and a visiting Occupational Therapist who provides advice, individual and class-based support for our pupils. Support from these services is provided based on each pupil’s EHCP provision as well as referrals from staff members.

Academic interventions are available in Literacy and Numeracy as we recognise that issues with self-esteem and confidence in learning, do impact negatively on mental health and wellbeing of our pupils.

2 DSLs provide daily opportunities for pupils to discuss any issues that they may be experiencing.


Tier 3 External Referrals

Safeguarding is at the heart of practice at Endeavour

If we feel that there are mental health concerns, in agreement and with consent from a Parent/ Carer make referrals to CAMHS.

●       We remind Parents / Carers about medication reviews.

●       We complete Connors checklist before medication reviews.

●       We can refer to school nurse

●       We remind Parents/ Carers about CAMHS appointments

●       We ensure that we keep CAMHS workers updated with concerns / information.

●       We support Parents/ Carers in chasing up appointments, escalating etc.

●       We refer pupils for mentoring with agencies outside school such as CACT, Moorings, TYS, Solace

If we believe a safeguarding concern may have met threshold:

Consultation with the MASH team to discuss. Their advice could be:

●       Discussion with Parent/ carer – NFA

●       Discussion with Parent – signposting to agencies for additional support – this could include SNAP, Bexley Voice, Moorings etc

●        Referral for Early Help / Family Wellbeing

●       Referral to Children’s Social Care

These referrals would usually always be done with Parental consent.

If a referral was declined or NFA, we would usually speak to Duty Social Worker to ensure we have included the right information. We may add additional information and if it was still declined we would escalate to MASH Team Manager.

Once a referral has been sent we would follow up with the MASH Team to see what action they are taking and who the Allocated worker will be so that we can continue to share information on a daily basis.

We contribute to Child and Family assessments and attend all meetings.

We respond to all requests for information from CSC.

If we felt there is no significant improvement or there is “drift” in a case we would escalate within CSC.

If a pupil is already LAC, CP, CIN or Early Help the Social Worker is kept updated with any concerns on a daily basis.


Tier 1 Universal

We recognise that mental health problems challenges can occur in our staff team and can have a wide range of causes and we offer a wide range of support.

We seek to foster a positive school culture that creates a welcoming and inclusive school environment that promotes respect, kindness, and a sense of belonging. We raise awareness about mental health and mental health problems among pupils, teachers, and parents, and provide information on how to get help if needed.

●       Help teachers and support staff learn new skills and stay up-to-date in their field.

●       We promote work-life balance: Encourage teachers and support staff to take breaks and vacations, and provide flexible work arrangements where possible.

●       We offer support and resources for stress management, including employee assistance programs, mentors and coaches, a line management structure that supports staff, an open-door policy to SLT, as well as regular training.

●       We conduct staff surveys, three times per year, to assess the mental health and well-being of teachers and support staff. Senior leaders’ feedback in a “You said…. We did” format and meet with individuals if necessary.

●       We have established a mental health working group to lead efforts to promote positive mental health and prevent mental health problems.

●       A mental health action plan, that outlines specific goals and strategies for promoting positive mental health and preventing mental health problems, is a working document and constantly under review.

●       A list of resources and support services available to employees with mental health problems is available.

●       We have twice daily check-ins with staff to brief and debrief.

●       We have 2 Mental Health First Aiders.

●       LSEAT and Endeavour Academy has confidential counselling and support services provided to help employees manage personal or work-related problems concerns and offer crisis support and information about mental health resources related to their own mental health.

●       Mental health First Aid (MHFA) drop-in sessions are offered through our school counsellor.

●       After school Activity/Support groups.

●       Mentoring or coaching programs are an integral part of our quality assurance processes and all staff have, not only a line manager, but a coaching pair and, if needed, a mentor. This enables regular time and opportunity to discuss any issues and to signpost support.

●       Access to a gym

●       Meals provided

●       Every day ends with “Top-tips” from the school counsellor and an open discussion on “What has gladdened your heart” for all staff to contribute to.

Social connections and a sense of community among teachers and support staff are fostered with regular social events for staff and after school sporting events.

Culture within any organisation will occur and at Endeavour Academy, we actively promote a culture that supports inclusion and meets individual need, of pupils, staff, parents and stakeholders.

Our school encourages staff members to engage in professional development opportunities related to mental health and well-being.

The Senior leadership Team is expected to model healthy behaviours and practices that promote positive mental health, such as taking breaks, managing stress effectively, and seeking support when needed. Senior leaders should create a culture that values and prioritises positive mental health by communicating openly about the importance of mental health, promoting a positive work-life balance, and providing support and resources for those who may be struggling.

We create an environment of self-care in which teachers and support staff feel comfortable talking about emotional intelligence, mental health and seeking support when needed and advocate for policies and practices that promote work-life balance, such as flexible work arrangements.

We constantly evaluate and improve the school's mental health promotion and prevention efforts on a regular basis, and make changes as needed to ensure that our strategies are effective.

Staff Tier 2 Interventions

We can provide access to mental health services, such as counselling or therapy, for teachers and support staff.

Our school counsellor can provide individual counselling after school hours for staff and cost is covered by the school.

Access to Trust wide support within a staff member’s professional field.

Training and development opportunities.

Staff Tier 3 External Referrals

There is a confidential counselling service, available 24 hours per day, for all staff to access.

Occupational health referrals may include advice for professional referrals for staff.

Staff Hardship Fund.


Tier 1 Universal

Parental partnership is key to pupil inclusion and meeting their diverse needs. At Endeavour Academy, we actively promote a culture that supports inclusion and meets individual need, of pupils, staff, parents and stakeholders.

Parents/Carers are communicated with regularly, through Parents days, termly newsletters, weekly coffee mornings, courses that we offer and daily communication as required.

Parent Tier 2 Interventions

2 DSLs provide daily opportunities for parents to discuss any issues that they may be experiencing, providing support, guidance and if necessary signposting to relevant support agencies.

We collaborate and run ASD parent courses with outside agencies: Teenlife.

We also hold regular coffee mornings and on-site training sessions to support parents and carers.

Parent Tier 3 External Referrals

Early Help referrals (Kent)

Family Wellbeing (Bexley)

Signpost to Bexley Mind, GP, adult mental health organisations.


LSEAT has a central policy that all the schools and colleges have been involved with, in the consultation process. POLICY LINK Trustees are advocates for mental health promotion and prevention within the school community and across the wider Trust. Trustees are reported to three times per year, involving a rigorous quality assurance process, involving feedback and evaluation.

●       Data and metrics are shared that demonstrate the impact of the school's efforts on the mental health and well-being of teachers and support staff.

●       School Trustees visit the school and participate in mental health promotion and prevention activities, such as training sessions, Endeavour days or wellness initiatives.

●       We share success stories or testimonials from teachers and support staff and parents about how the school's mental health promotion and prevention efforts have helped them. This may be in Academic Board reports or through termly TrustTalk newsletters.

●       We participate in external evaluations or assessments of the school's mental health promotion and prevention efforts, and share the results with school Trustees. These include SDQs and Personal Initiative Growth Scale (PIGS).

●       Reports are submitted three times per year, outlining the school's mental health promotion and prevention efforts, including any policies, programs, or initiatives that have been implemented. Their ideas to improve are sought during quality assurance meetings.

Involving stakeholders in the development and implementation of a mental health policy is an important way to ensure that the policy is relevant, effective, and supported.

We invite representatives from community mental health organisations to speak to school Trustees about the support and resources that are available to teachers and support staff.